Jeff Slaughter


Brentwood VBS KiDZ presents: Jeff Slaughter VBS World Tour!

All things are new!

These are the words the Lord has continued to whisper in my ear the past year of my life. Thank you for joining me in this new season, this new venture with Brentwood VBS Kids! The “VBS World Tour” is the culmination of a year long, super sweet, difficult at times, miraculous, life-changing journey. Transition can sometimes be quite painful, but as
Christians we know that we know…that we know that the Lord is ALWAYS working things together for our good! Even when we can’t see it at first, we must choose to place unwavering faith, trust and hope in Him! How the Lord must love the look on our faces the moment that we finally “get it”…when all the pieces of the puzzle are in place and He reveals the big picture He has been so lovingly designing for us. Every good and perfect gift comes from Him!

I am so grateful for the gift He has given me through this new partnership with Brentwood VBS Kids! It has given me the opportunity to create a project that I love, with lifelong friends that I love, with a company I have quickly grown to love, to help lead kids closer to the ONE I love!

Just when we think we’ve seen it all, heard it all and done it all, the Lord says, “Oh, but there’s more!” This is the 17th year I have been involved with writing VBS curriculums and He has definitely shown me “more” this year than I could have ever hoped or imagined.

I am praying that as you and your kids delve into God’s word through the music and lessons of the “World Tour,” He will reveal “more” to you! That you will be drawn into a deeper place in your relationship with Jesus as you are reminded each day of how much He loves you. And that by the power of His mercy, grace and love we will all see that no matter what we go through in this world, everyday we have the chance to declare, “All things are new!”

Much love and gratitude…

Jeff Slaughter

  • Deley Sulton

    So glad that Brentwood and you have joined in ministry. It is amazing how The Lord can lead us to exactly the place where He wants us to serve. He is Lord! He is Amazing! Continue to be a blessing brother!

  • Mary Lee Griffith

    Is there a downloadable overview of this VBS curriculum showing Scripture, theme for each day, craft ideas, etc.?

    • Jeff Slaughter

      Hey Mary Lee! So sorry I’m just now getting back to you! Please forgive me! There should be a brochure on the Brentwood Benson website… There is also a commercial on YouTube under “Jeff Slaughter VBS Commercial.” Hope you’ll check it out! Blessings!!

  • Tracy Poplin

    Hi Jeff, CentriKid groupie, Tracy Poplin, Children’s Minister, here from South Point Baptist Church in Belmont, NC ( you know, where Steve Ray attends). You have been on my heart a lot lately, I am so happy for you and thankful to our Father for your gifts and how He uses them in you! You’ve got someone praying for you and rejoicing with you in all things!!

  • Christy Notley

    Our kids at my church just love you! I wish that we could have got your new VBS in time for our June VBS! Fortunately, think we are going to order it so they can have your music as new music for our children’s ministry. They will love it. They really love last year’s VBS music and can’t get enough it. Thanks for such great songs that our kids love to listen to over and over!

  • Taylor Acred

    Mr. Jeff, I helped out with your VBS at our church this year, and
    I had a blast! I vastly enjoyed helping lead my class of 3rd & 4th graders
    toward Christ, and we had 3 saved! You are very blessed by God with your gifts
    of writing songs and Bible studies! I hope that you know that. I bonded really closely with
    “my kids” (aka the boys in the class) during VBS, even benefitting in my walk with
    Christ! If the Lord wills, I am looking forward to helping out next year! God bless you so much,
    Mr. Jeff!
    – Taylor Acred

  • brent

    Jeff…just finished up our very first VBS. We used World Tour….OUR KIDS LOVED IT! Where are we going next year?…CHINA, AUSTRALIA (that would be fun!), FRANCE,…HOW ABOUT ISRAEL?…Thanks for a super great week, looking forward to more
    Brent Batson
    Lead pastor
    Church of the Springs
    Dripping Springs, Texas

  • Kelley Harrell

    Hey Jeff,
    I’m helping with music at VBS next week (like I have for the past several years). I just realized a few days ago that you didn’t do the music and was so sad. I see that you are working with a different company this year. Will you be working with Lifeway anymore? VBS just won’t be the same without you!!!!

    Kelley Harrell
    FBC Bainbridge Georgia